Easy Know How And Lawn Care For Beginners

There are many factors that attract the natural beauty of greens but grasses in clean and parallel conditions (lawn) is a preliminary factor. A small area of territory that is either inside the wall or outside where we are willing to cover the ground with grass is called a lawn. Bermuda grass is used commonly as a turfgrass in subtropical environments. In this article, I will discuss lawn care for beginners. This article will be in a friendly way with questions to answer so stay with me. So, let’s begin!

lawn care for beginner

Q1: I have a little uncultivated and seem to be barren land around my house. So, is it possible to turn it into a beautiful garden or lawn?

Yes, of course, it is possible to convert this into a beautiful lawn and home garden. The point is that if you are willing to do this. This land needs renovation and cleaning means you need to remove the rocks, weeds, and other unwanted things, etc. Land needs to be fed with well-rotted farmyard manure. Land should be pulverized with the help of spade up to 6-8 inches deep and farmyard manure should be mixed with it.

So, what next,

Then irrigate the soil and keep watering until cow dung is mixed thoroughly. Don’t worry it will not take too much longer, just do it for 2-3 weeks. During this time different weeds may grow. You just need to pull up with the help of a spade and then pulverize thoroughly.

Q2: So, is it necessary that apart from cow dung application to the soil, other fertilizers application can be given for extra nutrition for lawn establishment?

No, by my recommendation if FYM is mixed thoroughly into the soil then there is no need for chemical fertilizers. Otherwise, nitrogenous fertilizers are used for faster growth but not in the form of urea because it drains out into the air. Nitrogen can be applied as a binding form like DAP, or NPK fertilizers.

So, why are we focusing on nitrogenous fertilizer, not on others like P, or K?

Because we are focusing on greens or leaves and grasses are grown more profusely when we are applying nitrogenous fertilizers and nitrogen fertilizer is best for vegetative growth. 

Q3: Now, the soil has been prepared thoroughly with farmyard manure. Which method is used for planting a lawn?

There are three methods used for planting grasses which are sprigging, sodding, and seeding. Sprigging is used more commonly for the establishment of lawns because it is cheaper and more accessible. In this method sprigs or clusters of tiny grass, stolons are selected. These sprigs are allowed to be put in line with 4-5 cm distance in the whole lawn area.

These sprigs will be green and sproutable after 3-4 weeks. Remember, during this time water stress is not allowed. Keep watering and then the application of urea can be applied for faster growth of grass.

So, you said that sprigging is more common for planting than the other two methods. Can we use these methods also?

Yes, sodding is used where the grass is destined immediately to set and grow. The sodding method is fast but more costly. The seeding method is also used which is more reliable after sprigging.

Q4: Can we grow the grass across the whole year or does it have a specific season?

Grasses can be grown in warm environments like Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass loves to grow during the summer season with more humid conditions. In June-July, when rainy seasons start Bermuda grass loves to grow in these months. Another loving season is in February-April when flowers bloom and vegetation goes into dark green color

Q5: You said that well-rotted farmyard manure can be used as a good fertilizer but there is another thing which is growing lots of weeds due to the application of FYM. Therefore, how can we control weeds inside a lush green grassy field?  

Yes, this is true that the application of FYM allows the growth of multiple weeds inside which decrease the beauty of the lawn and needs to be eradicated time by time. So, there are the following strategies that can be applied to overcome this problem,

  • Just like a grower for vegetables and other crops, you should be aware of the importance of weeds. If we control the weeds before establishing the lawn, it is easy to control weeds. For this purpose, apply the FYM and apply the water next time weeds will grow up and these weeds should be removed or apply the proper weedicide. Repeat this process 2-3 times. This will take 30-45 days.
  • Another option is the use of proper chemical spray recommended by experts.

Q6: When I have a proper, well, and beautiful lawn, what will be the strategy to maintain it?

There are following three things are determined for turf care, 

  • Maintenance of lawn
  • Irrigation
  • fertilization

So, starting from maintenance, Bermuda grass is a fast-growing grass and needs to be cut when it gets longer height up to 10-15 cm. For this purpose,  a mower is used. Mowing should be done twice a month.

Another important measure to keep a green and vigorous lawn which is irrigation. Irrigation frequency depends upon the weather conditions. In summer, 3-4 irrigations are required whereas in winter maximum of 2-3 times in a month. Fertilizer application can be applied when new growth commences in the early spring and end of the rainy season. Recommended doses of ammonium sulfate can be applied. After fertilizer dose, immediate application of irrigation should be applied. 

Q7: Is there any specific variety used commonly or is it specific region-wise?

Yes, Bermuda grass is used and it has a subtropical nature. There are different varieties of this species like Tifton, Dhaka. In Pakistan Dhaka variety is common.

Q8: Is there anything which is very important to know for a grower?

Yes, Bermuda grass is very resistant and tolerant to the harsh summer drought, whereas it is affected by cold winters and loses its color to pale yellow with different small patches. 

I hope this article was good for you to understand about the establishment of lush green lawn and lawn care or turf care.