Ginger Farming in Pakistan: A Lucrative Venture


Ginger is a typical vegetable used in daily cooking and is also regarded as a distinctive flavor-enhancing spice. Ginger farming is good for indoor and outdoor as well. In addition to giving food flavor, ginger also provides medical benefits. One of the typical instances of medicinal use is ginger tea. 

The most expensive vegetable in Pakistan is ginger, according to this expanding coaching platform. It might be a great harvest or crop that increases profits for a farmer or producer. Since ginger is difficult to grow, it is imported from other nations. As a result, it is highly pricey. In Pakistan, there are lots of people that grow ginger. 

If you are looking for “How to grow ginger or ginger cultivation in Pakistan ”, then you come to the right place. In this article, we are going to give the right suggestions and growing tips step-by-step guide about ginger cultivation.

Understanding Ginger Farming in Pakistan

From 2020 onwards, progressive farmers in Pakistan starts putting their interest in growing ginger. Growing ginger in Pakistan has gained few challenges due to some factors. Including ginger growing season in Pakistan, growing conditions, partial shading, and wet-warm growing temperature.

In fact, ginger needs the proper growing environment and long season. Some farmers have adopted the proper technique like providing partial shade by covering the area of ginger with a big structured and some have grown ginger under big shady trees. So, this depends upon that where you grow ginger.

Advantages of Growing Ginger in Pakistan

1. High Demand and Market Potential

Ginger is a highly-demanded vegetable in the market. That’s why, there is an absolute need that farmers should grow ginger. As there is high demand in the market, farmers need a motivational push for growing ginger in Pakistan. Generally, ginger remains between 400-600 rupees/Kg. This is a rough idea for your kind information.

2. Favorable Climate and Soil Conditions For Ginger Farming

If someone says that ginger doesn’t fit well in the climate and environment. The answer is no because Pakistan has a wider adaptability and four different seasons. Fortunately, summer is the more prolonged season in Pakistan. The only thing you need you have to provide the right environment in addition to the natural conditions. As for the soil, ginger needs wet soil, that’s clay loamy soil best for this purpose.  

3. Profitability and Returns

Ginger has a relatively long cultivation cycle compared to some other crops, typically taking 8 to 10 months to mature. This allows farmers to enjoy faster returns on their investment, making ginger a financially attractive option.

Step-by-Step Guide to Ginger Farming Techniques

1. Selecting Quality Ginger Seeds

Begin your ginger cultivation journey by selecting high-quality ginger seeds or rhizomes. The only place where you get the ginger’s rhizome is from the market. Ginger seeds per acre depend on the number of plants which vary from 1800 to 2000 acres. The water is presoaked overnight for 24 hours to rejuvenate the plant’s growing points. That’s why, look for healthy and disease-free rhizomes from reputable sources to ensure a successful start.

2. Pre-Planting Preparations

Prior to site preparation, pick a location that is near shade. Such as in citrus or mango orchards, as these orchards have more shady trees with wider canopy areas. The soil ought to be finely ground. Prepare your soil, for this reason, two months in advance by mixing it with totally rotted farmyard manure. 

The ginger crop requires well-pulverized soil with plenty of water in “wattar” conditions. Prepare the bed so that its width is 3 feet, bed-to-bed distance is 1 ft, row-to-row distance is 2.5 feet, and plant-to-plant distance is 1 ft..

3. Planting Ginger Rhizomes

In Pakistan, particularly in Punjab, farmers must cultivate ginger growing areas from March to the end of April, which is the best period to sow.  Simply buy sprouting ginger from the store and cut it into pieces with 1-2 eye buds for planting. When picking a seed, one must consider the following factors.

  • Ginger should be fully nourished with fibrous roots.
  • Choose a ginger seed with a smaller-scale coat and avoid selecting ginger that has already been cut off.
  • Cut down the size of the ginger.

After picking the seed, prepare it for sprouting by placing it on a sand layer and covering it with another sand layer, and keeping it damp until the ginger sprouts in 2-3 weeks. After sprouting, break the seed into pieces such that each piece has 1-2 buds attached to it. Plant these pieces within a 1-foot plant-to-plant distance.

4. Irrigation and Watering

Water-sensitive crops, if the soil is more clayey, there will be more water in the roots, resulting in crop loss, similarly, if the soil is more sandy, there will be less water-holding capacity and water will not be available to the plant. 

So sandy loam soil with good water holding and drainage capacity and a shady area will provide a healthy and optimum environment for a plant. Water is really vital for ginger, and as I previously stated, soil with adequate drainage and water-holding capacity is ideal. 

The ginger crop requires more water in “wattar” conditions so that the plant can be more active and grow to its full potential. So, irrigation is critical; ginger will not tolerate water stress. So keep in mind to fulfill the ideal criteria for ginger water demand based on several aspects such as season, temperature, air, and so on.

5. Fertilization and Nutrient Management

Fertilize the ginger crop with 150 kilograms of single super phosphate, 150 kg of ammonium phosphate, 100 kg of potassium sulfate, and 64 kg of humic acid. Apply fertilizer every 15 days with 10 kg and 5 kg of humic acid with flood irrigation per acre. It is also advised that NPK fertilizer with a 20:20:60 ratio in spray formulations from August to December, till crop harvesting. There are a few things that should be kept in mind, which are as follows:

  • Do not apply fertilizer in spray formulation at a hot temperature during the day.
  • Spray early in the morning when the plant leaves to keep moisture or evening time when the temperature gets lower.

6. Feasibility Report

Let’s assume its market rate is 500 rupees per Kg and 3 kg per plant production. The above-given dimension of the plant-to-plant and row-to-row distance is 1800-2000 plants per acre. Let’s assume the 1800 plants in one acre. Through this, you can estimate the ginger profit per acre and ginger yield per plant.


No.of Plants = 1800

No.Kgs per plant = 3

Total Kgs = 1800×3 = 5400 Kgs

Market Rate = 500 Rs.

Total = 500 x 5400 = 2700,000 Rs.

No. of PlantsKgs/PlantMarket RateTotal
180035002700,000 Rs.

7. Weed and Pest Control

Ginger is a lucky vegetable actually which has less incorporation of pests and diseases with it. But some fungal diseases can be there because of wet and warm temperatures. To avoid this issue, you should ventilate the area around the ginger plant. Weeds are a big competitor to the ginger plant. 

Keep the planting area free from weeds that can compete for nutrients and water. Implement integrated pest management strategies to control common pests and diseases.

8. Harvesting Ginger

Ginger is typically ready for harvest in 8 to 10 months after planting. Ginger harvesting time starts from December to January. The leaves will turn yellow, and the shoots will begin to slow down in growth. Carefully dig out the rhizomes, and after harvesting, wash and dry them properly before packaging.

9. Post-Harvest Handling

Proper post-harvest handling is crucial to preserve the quality and freshness of ginger. Sort the harvested rhizomes, remove any damaged ones, and store them in a cool, dry place with good ventilation.

Marketing and Selling Ginger

To maximize your profits, explore various marketing avenues to sell your ginger produce. Establish connections with local markets, supermarkets, restaurants, and spice traders. Additionally, consider exploring export opportunities to cater to the international demand for ginger.


  • Ginger cultivation areas are all the tropical and subtropical areas of Pakistan.
  • Ginger cultivation in Pakistan presents a highly profitable and promising venture for farmers and entrepreneurs alike.
  •  With its rising demand, favorable climate conditions, and relatively quick cultivation cycle, ginger offers an excellent opportunity to boost agricultural income. 
  • By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can embark on a successful journey of growing ginger and capitalize on the lucrative prospects it offers. Happy farming!