Rose farming in Pakistan: A case study

Rose is a beautiful flower that leads your eyes toward the attraction. As a consumer and as progressive growers, we all found rose flowers to be a good choice. Rosa Indica is a wild rose species that is very common in the subcontinent, especially in India and Pakistan. 

People use the rose flower itself for various purposes, including using it as cut flowers, extracting its petals for by-products like rose water and other cosmetics, etc.

Wild  Rose (Rosa Indica)  farming is most likely by the entrepreneur in a subtropical environment, People consider rose cultivation a cash crop because it yields annually. This has a long-term flowering potential at least from one crop you can take out the flowers for up to at least five years.

If you are looking for a rose farming plan then you are in the right place and in this article, we are going to explain the production plan from planning to the end of the yield. In this article, we are also going to include the feasibility report. That’s why stay tuned to understand the whole concept.


As you already know that flower has a long-term flowering potential. That’s why it is going to be popular day by day. It gives the flowering annually and it gives the profuse flowering during the spring season in March and April. During the season it’s in the bulk, it becomes ten times greater than the whole season. 

On the other hand, if we look into the products which are flowers and petals. Hybrid roses are sold in the form of Cut flowers as their vase life is longer. Flowers and rose petals are sold in bulk amounts for different products as well like rose water and to other cosmetic industries.


In the planning for rose farming choosing a site is a crucial step. For this purpose, sandy loam soil is best. After choosing the site, now there are two options for the grower. The first option is to grow a nursery and then use those plants. In the second option, the grower can buy the plants from the nursery and grow them.

Generally, it depends on the plants-to-plants and row-to-row distance, 6000-8000 plants per acre are common. The nicest way to plant roses is by purchasing from the nursery which is ready for growing.

Point to ponder: Keep in mind one thing whenever you go into the nursery purchasing your plants. Keep an eye on healthy and vigorous plants by checking their stem width and plant leaves. You can check out the details about it further.

Fertilizers and irrigations

Enriching your soil with well-rotted farmyard manure two weeks before planting is advisable to prepare your soil for the journey. After the plantation applies urea at the rate of 4-5 kg per plant, You can check out the complete fertilizer dose detail here but I am here presenting the case study of fertilizer application in rose plants.

Rose (Rosa indica) is an annual flower giving and it gives the perfuse loving during the spring months. That’s why they call it flushes; you need to apply another dose of fertilizer after each flush.  Which in terms of Urea, DAP, Ammonium Sulphate and potash. Apply fertilizer with a 2:2:4 NPK ratio. 

Similarly, irrigation is another crucial vector, and irrigation is based on different factors like temperature, type of soil, age of crop, etc. Generally, summer week interval is common for each education whereas during winter fortnight irrigation is recommended.

Plant Protection

There is always been competition between different plant species. It seems very often that rose plants have pest or disease attacks. On the other hand, weeds are a common problem. Narrow leaves weeds can be challenging and they are very hard to remove. But, there is a technique to suppress their growth. Try to remove these weeds manually until the rose plant grows faster and suppresses the weed’s growth.

Among the pests, seasonal pests may attack such as aphids, mites, etc. Keep an eye on the crop and spray the insecticide on them effectively. Another common observation in the rose plant is that during winter its heavy pruning may lead to wounding. Also, becomes the insertion point for the vector-like fungus. Apply the fungicide or Bordeaux mixture on wounded shoots to avoid the plant dieback disease.


Rosa indica is a more appropriate species for commercial purposes. Businesses choose it for this reason. Another important aspect is market unavailability. The fact is that once you plant the rose, its market is so far that it causes a lot of expense as well. But this thing does not mean that this crop does not have a potential. So, keep in mind the marketing destination as well when deciding on rose farming. 

Feasibility Report

Progressive producers do an estimation of the cost of production before beginning a commercial rose farming operation. A good strategy for growing roses includes all the specifics, and the feasibility study is crucial in this regard. Listed below are the specifics of the feasibility report.

Once you’ve selected a specific area and site, you should calculate the required number of plants per acre. An acre typically has 6500–8000 plants, costing 20–30 rupees each. The average cost of nursery plants, installation, labor, and transportation is about one lakh rupees.

Then there are the additional expenses, which for a one-year plan may amount to 100,000 rupees and include fertilizers and irrigation.

Flowering yield varies with season and climate. Flowering yields, for example, maintain between 8 and 10 kg per acre during the typical season but can reach up to 40 kg per acre or even more during the spring season.

Similarly, pricing per kg will vary depending on the season. Normally, 120-180 rupees/kg in the spring and 100-120 rupees/kg in the remainder of the year. fertilizers, which may cost 100,000 rupees for a one-year plan.