Zone 10a Planting guide

Gardening in zone 10 can be a challenge depending on where you live in using indigenous plants can alleviate a lot of the stress of finding the perfect plant. For that hot full sun-spot or shady corner indigenous plants are also water conservative pest resistant and wildlife-friendly. Zone 10 is between from the California coast through southern Arizona and on to southern Florida though in 10 is a small but vitally important parting is sown in North America.

Hardiness zone10a

Citrus and crop production and sown ten areas are multi-billion dollar industries in California and Florida. California’s zone ten regions are primarily found along the coast through the Central Valley and into the inland deserts and Arizona’s entire southwest corner is also zone 10. Florida’s southern tip is intense in the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic, algo, California, Arizona, and Florida are all classified as zone ten hardiness areas.

There is a huge difference in the climate from one to another California and Arizona are true desert areas receiving less than 50 centimeters or 19.65 inches of rain per year with some areas receiving must at 25 centimeters or 10 inches whereas southern Florida receives an average of 122.0 cm or 48 inches per year.

There are the following zone 10a planting guide, 

Climbing plants

There are two types of hydrangea you can use to grow into your garden under climatic zone 10a. The first one is climbing hydrangea and the second one is the typical hydrangea. Climbing hydrangea looks very colorful and beautiful and spreads very quickly by taking space. Typical hydrangea can be used as a house plant as well.

Corners or Border plants

There are multi-different plants and flowers that can be used for the corner area and they got visitors’ attention very quickly because they are showy and warm colors and in textural effects. Among the flowers, you can be used as a corner or border plant is petunia, prime rose, sage bush, African daisies, etc. Petunia, prime rose, and African daisy are a good fit for short plants and use as container plants in the Indoor category as well.

There are other plants like geranium and Shasta daisies that can be used in hedges layers and border plants as well. Shasta daisy is a tall-oriented plant and blooms profusely with white flowers. These plants can be used as the second or last layer in border plants. There is another flower that loves to grow under zone 10a is Calla lily as an indoor plant.

Bushes and trees

Generally, bushes are used to make the borders around the territory and it is also could be a vegetative wall in your backyard area. Lantana is a flower and foliage beauty bush that can be a good border around the lawn in climatic zone 10a. Each element in the garden design has its own importance that’s why if we put the trees in the middle of the lawn then it will not only be good for aesthetic purposes but also for a shady purpose. Japanese maple and northern pine are good under the climatic hardiness zone 10a.

Zone 10a vegetables and fruits

Under the circumstances, where the temperature ranges between 35-40 degrees Farenheight there are different leafy vegetables, and some other vegetables can grow and thrive but not at freezing temperature. Leafy vegetables like leeks, lettuce, coriander, mint love to grow in a cool environment with a lot of moisture so you can try it for sure. 

Apart from leafy vegetables, root vegetables like radish, carrot, turnip with specific climatic adaptation can possibly grow under sunny days in this climatic zone.


Citrus fruits love to grow in cooler climates and they made their taste more fruitful. There are many examples like Mandarin, oranges, grapefruit, limes, and lemon. Apart from citrus fruit, some other deciduous fruits can be grown like strawberries, pomegranate, apples, and other temperate fruits.


  • Hardiness zone 10a is actually belongs with special conditions like temperature the area which falls under specific temperature 35-40 degree Farhenheight, lies under zone 10a.
  • It could be anywhere on the planet, not specific with only some states of America.
  • There are different specific flowers, trees and bushes preferences which you can see in the above section.
  • Indoor plants like climbing and scrambling plants like hydrangea can be used in the entrance and on the walls.
  • There are many flowers which are used to put inside as a house plant like petunia, prime rose, sage bush, african daisies, shasta daisies, etc.
  • Ficus spp. and Lantana are suitable bushes to grow, similarly Japanese Maple and northern pine are trees useful to grow.