Top five Pakistani mango fruit varieties which are hard to replace

Pakistani mangoes are unbeatable according to the taste, color, and uniqueness in size in the world. As mango fruit has preharvest importance similarly it is critical for postharvest handling. There are different types of mangoes. In each summer, there are many more mango varieties we find to eat. There is no hotkey is available where collectively someone can find the identification about mango fruit. But here now, I will discuss the identification of mango plants, mango fruit with pictures so stay tuned.

Types of mangoes in Pakistan

Chaunsa Mango

Chaunsa Mango is the top-listed variety in Pakistan. Chaunsa is a late variety. Chaunsa Mango is available in the market from June to August.

Identification of chaunsa mango by leaf structure

Chaunsa Mango leaves are not wider in width nor longer in length just like you can see in the pictures. There are different leaves flushes that appear for a whole year from January to November. The third leaves flush gives more fruiting.

Identification of chaunsa mango by fruit

Chaunsa mango fruit size varies from medium to large with 1-1.5 kg. Chaunsa mango skin becomes greenish-yellow after ripening. Chaunsa Mango pulp is juicier and fibreless. It is used for eating raw as well as for juice-making purposes.

Anwar Ratol

Anwar ratol is the most delicious and sweeter variety. Anwar ratol is a mid-season variety in Pakistan.

Identification of anwar ratol by leaves

Anwar ratol leaves are longer than chaunsa mango plant and the leaves are narrow as can be seen in the pictures. Its leaves are less attractive when we see them in textural appearance.

Identification of anwar ratol by fruit

Anwar ratol is medium size fruit with 0.5-1 kg. its fruits appear in bunch form. Just like chaunsa mango, anwar ratol is also used for export purposes due to its uniqueness in size, color, and taste. Anwar ratol is a juicer and less fibrous from the inside.

Langra Mango

Langra mango is a mid-season variety and it is harvested in the month of July.

Identification of langra mango by leaves structure

The leaves of langra mango variety seem to be more familiar with Anwar ratol mango variety. Leaves are narrow and longer but more attractive than Anwar ratol.

Identification of langra mango by fruit

Langra mango fruit is bigger in size more than Anwar ratol but less attractive at least after ripening in which Anwar ratol fruit changes into complete yellow color but langra mango did not completely change into yellow color but with green color and yellow patches. But as for taste comparison, Anwar ratol is more preferred in taste and juicy content.

Dasehri Mango

Dasehri mango is also a mid-season variety in Pakistan and available in the market within July month.

Identification of dasehri mango by its leave structure

Dasehri mango leaves structure is much more familiar with chaunsa mango but its leaves are more curly from margins with a sharp beak. But, the leaves of dasehri mango are less attractive than chaunsa mango variety.

Dasehri Mango Leaves

Identification of dasehri mango by fruit

Dasehri mango is bigger in size more than all above mention varieties. Just like langra mango, dasehri mango remains greenish with yellow patches after complete ripening. Dasehri mango grows in bunch form with terminal bud. Dasehri mango has less juicy content than all above mango fruits but it is also preferred due to fibreless characteristics.

Sindhri Mango

Sindhri mango is early-season variety and it is available from the month second week of May onwards.

Identification of sindhri mango by its leave structure

Sindhri mango variety has a familiar leaf structure just like Anwar ratol and langra mango. Leaves are less attractive but leave length is longer without a sharp beak. Leaves are straight and less curvy.

Identification of sindhri mango by its fruit structure

Sindhri mango fruit is bigger than all above mention mango fruit varieties. The one thing that is more interesting is the identification of sindhri mango that its fruit is bigger in size and wider from the above or distal portion whereas narrowed from the basal portion. Its pulp is of yellow color and it is juicier and less in fiber and used for the raw eating purpose as well as for making shake juices.

I hope this article was helpful for you about some major and common mango varieties according to their identification by leaves and fruit structure. Next time, when you will be eating the mango after reading this article, you will be able to understand which variety is this.

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