Rose farming is a lucrative and popular business that has been gaining traction among farmers and gardening enthusiasts alike. Roses are a symbol of love and beauty, and the demand for fresh roses is on the rise.
From the literature, roses have 300+ species worldwide. Among all of them, one of the wild species “Rosa indica” is the most popular specie of red rose in South Asia. Therefore, it is essential to take one step ahead for its commercialization.
Therefore, we are aiming to discuss this with you. If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to rose farming. Then you are at the right place. Please stick with us to know more because this is the commercial rose farming blog page.
Why farmers love Rosa indica
Rosa indica is a wild species of rose, which has a taller growing stem with thorns on it. Apart from its wilderness, Rosa indica likes the subtropical climate nature. Where it grows all along the year. Production of Rosa indica is most popular in South Asia, especially in Pakistan.
Farmers love to grow this specie due to its consistency in flower production. Rosa indica gives flowering every second week of the month. When it comes to the spring season, Rosa indica gives profuse flowering. During the spring, Rosa indica yield doubles which mean, earning greater.
Rose (Rosa indica) farming business is feasible at cost, productive at yield, and has long-lasting flowering potential. This is the most reasonable thing for progressive farmers. Rosa indica is sold in the market for its flowers, petals, and by-products as well as rose water, etc.
Soil Preparation
The first step in starting a rose farm is to prepare the soil. Roses grow best in well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Before planting, it is important to amend the soil with compost, manure, or peat moss to improve the soil structure and fertility.
Adding well-rotten farmyard manure is the best approach for farmers. For this purpose, spread the farmyard manure a month before land preparation. Then irrigate the field, from which weeds will come out and grow. Clear weeds plowing will help to field as green manuring.
A soil pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is ideal for roses, and you can use a soil test kit to check the pH of your soil. If the soil is too acidic, you can add lime to raise the pH, and if it’s too alkaline, you can add sulfur to lower it.
Progressive farmers also love to use a fermenter which is a housery like a tubewell. Through fermenters, farmers can get the quick benefit of nutrients in water-soluble form. And the most important thing here is that you don’t need to wait for farmyard manure to be dried.
Planting Roses
The next step is to choose the right type of roses for your farm. There are several varieties of roses, including hybrid tea roses, shrub roses, climbers, and more. Each variety has its unique characteristics, such as growth habits, flower size and color, and disease resistance. When selecting roses for your farm, consider factors such as climate, soil type, and water availability.
Apart from other roses, Rosa indica is our choice, especially. You can get roses planted in two different ways. One is by planting your cuttings or purchasing the fully-grown plant from the nursery. Mostly, farmers choose the second option. If you are willing to plant your cuttings then click here for more detail.
Once you have chosen the right variety of roses, it’s time to plant them. The best time to plant roses is in the spring when the soil has warmed up and there is no risk of frost. The number of plants depends upon the distances between plants and rows. Generally, the estimated number of plants ranges from 6000-8000 for one acre.
Important note: estimation of the number of plants can be set with nursery given plant to plant distance.
Care and Maintenance
To ensure their growth and productivity, it’s essential to properly care for your roses once you have planted them. Regular watering is essential, especially during hot and dry periods. Water deeply and thoroughly to saturate the soil.
Fertilizing is also essential, and you can use a slow-release fertilizer specifically formulated for roses. Being a successful farmer, a pre-determined fertilizer plan is good for commercial rose production. You can get help from the nearer agriculture department as well.

Avoid extra or over-irrigation. Apply irrigation based on requirements such as twice a week during summer. Whereas, once a fortnight during winter.
Regularly pruning roses to promote healthy growth and remove dead or diseased wood, which is another important aspect of rose care. Do it at the end of the season in November and December when fall comes.
Pests and Diseases
Common pests include aphids, spider mites, and Japanese beetles, while common diseases include blackspot, powdery mildew, and rust. To prevent and control pests and diseases, it is essential to practice good cultural practices.
Such as proper watering and fertilizing, and monitoring your roses regularly for signs of stress or damage. If you notice any signs of pests or diseases, it is important to treat them promptly to prevent them from spreading.

Proactive and anticipatory strategies are essential for successful rose farming. Understand each stage and implement plant protection measures on time. Some tips for rose care include:
- Choosing the right location
- Preparing the soil
- Watering deeply and regularly
- Mulching
- Pruning regularly
- and monitoring for pests and diseases.
Control insects and pests during the first 2-3 months with monthly spraying of pesticides and insecticides. Do three hoeings annually.
Additional care for roses
Rosa indica is a wild specie and it thrives. Additionally, it gets a height of more than 6-10 feet and spreads itself. Therefore, it needs treatment of training and pruning. So, at the end of the winter season or in December or January, the cut plant makes it back to 2-3 ft of height. These plants can be useful for cuttings as well.
Harvesting and Marketing
Finally, it’s time to harvest your roses and bring them to market. Roses are best harvested in the morning when the petals are fresh and firm. To ensure the highest quality, cut the roses just above the first five-leaflet leaf and remove the leaves from the bottom of the stem. You can sell your roses to local florists, at farmers’ markets, or through online platforms such as Etsy or Amazon.
Many enthusiasts come here and want to look over the spot of the feasibility report of the rose farming business. If you are curious, we made a rough estimation and feasibility report regarding rose farming. Take a look at it.
In conclusion, rose farming is a rewarding and profitable business that requires careful planning, preparation, and attention to detail. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure the success of your rose farm and enjoy the beauty and profitability of growing roses.