Everything You Need To Know About Indoor Orchid Care For Beginners

Although there are over 25, 000 varieties of orchids, only a few have gained popularity as houseplants. The orchid is a flowering beauty plant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Consistent gardening lovers used to grow orchid flowers for their fragrance and prolonged flowering. Orchid care for beginners is not easy but don’t worry we’re here to help you.

Most people believe that growing and maintaining orchid flowers is difficult. However, it is crucial to know that once you understand its behavior, you can easily grow and manage it. That is why we have come to provide you with useful information to help you grow orchid flowers. 

If you’re looking for an answer to the question ‘orchid care for beginners, you’ve come to the right place. This article will go over orchid care both indoors and outdoors. Including the growing recipe and the conclusion to some frequently asked questions.

Orchid care for beginners 

There are two reasons why the orchid flower has a bad reputation. The first is that orchid flowers require more light, and the second is that they occasionally shed flowers. As a result, they are not easier to manage. For orchid care beginners, the main parameters are vital to understanding. There are the following things down below.

Use a drainable pot

Drainable pots require the creation of pores at the bottom of the pots. In order to allow extra moisture to remain in the root zone. This is critical whether you’re using a plastic or pitcher pot. Whatever, you got the point.

Use a drainable media 

As I previously stated, whatever media we use should be porous and moderately draining. You can use various types of media, but keep in mind their drainage ability.

Soilless media (Sphagnum, moss, peat, etc.) and soil medium are the two main types of media (sand, silt, and clay). Making your pots drainable is just as important as using porous media.

Place orchid pots south-facing as well east facing 

Orchid plants prefer partial shade when the outside temperature is higher, as it works best between 16 and 24 degrees Celsius. South and east-facing windows receive the most light, while north and west-facing windows receive the least.

Because of their metabolism and reproductive activities, orchids require more light. As a result, flowering plants require more light than vegetative plants.

Maintain a temperature

Orchids thrive in temperate climates. The orchid flower loves to grow between the temperatures of 16 and 24 degrees Celsius. Air circulation can help to keep the temperature stable. You can use a normal-speed electric fan for this purpose. 

Air circulation not only keeps the temperature stable but is also beneficial to the flower-making process. Otherwise, choose the room with proper ventilation. This is good to know for orchid care beginners.

Water the orchids when necessary

You need to be careful while watering the orchid flower. Water your plant whenever it desires. Check the soil moisture depth level in your pot. If it is deeper, don’t water it; otherwise, the appearance of plant leaves can give you a deeper indication. Water orchid flowers once or twice a week in the summer and once a week in the winter.

Mist an orchid if humidity is below the 40%

During the summer, when the plant is directly exposed in a south-facing window, striving for life with hot air exacerbates the situation. Hot air stimulates the reduction of humidity below 50%, which your skin can detect.

To solve this issue, spray water on the orchid plant’s leaves to keep them happy, but also place your plant in the partial shade to avoid direct sunlight.

Fertilize the orchid plant when they are flowering

Fertilizing entails combining organic natural medium or market synthetic supplements with pot media. During flowering, which is a critical period for the plant, it needs less amount of water and more fertilizers at this time.

For orchid fertilization, dried cow dung is a natural source that is recommended when using potting media. Whereas apply synthetic supplements during the critical flowering stage.

Cut the stems after flowers fall off

It is true that orchid plants only flower once on the same stem or spike. Therefore remove the old spike stem from the plant. Otherwise, they will compete in vain for food and water.

Clean leaves from insects manually

Orchid plants have larger leaves and are susceptible to insect pests such as spiders, scales, and mites, etc. So, take care of the leaves and inspect them daily for insects. Avoid becoming a victim by manually removing them.

Clean the leaves

For orchid care beginners, the orchid flower comes first, followed by the foliage. Dust accumulates on a daily basis, reducing the plant’s aesthetic gratification. As a result, you should clean them with water. Other insects, such as spiders, may create webs in the leaf axils, which is the most common factor in cleaning the orchid plant leaves.

Spray insecticides

When orchid leaves exhibit unusual characteristics such as pale yellow color, biting on leaves, cutting edges, or spots. That means there is an external source for this cause. Because insects are the most common cause of this problem, use anti-insect spray, which can access from any plant general store.

Discard leaves that are infectious or diseased

Remove diseased leaves showing symptoms such as pale color, yellow stripes, and burning edges. Yellow or pale-colored leaves show the symptoms due to nutrient deficiency, hot sunlight, or infection. Prune off the leaves when necessary.

Orchid plant care after flowering falls off

When orchid plants drop their flower from the spike, resulting in an unsightly plant with a long stalky stem. You have few options for caring for the orchid plant. Remember, there are many orchid flowers that people adore, regardless of the variety. There are the following tips for orchid care after flowering:

  • Examine the growing pattern on the spike to see how many growing points are down below on stem.
  • Select a sharp knife that has been sterilized with antiseptic or alcohol to remove just one node below. Occasionally, removing the entire spike that has already finished flowering is a safer way to rebloom and survive. This way, when you care about it, it will sprout new branches in the next season.
  • People claim that phalaenopsis orchids can rebloom. But this makes it more difficult for the plants to survive, and the second blooming will be smaller and less attractive. As a result, the plant will be stressed and will require a lot of energy.


For orchid care beginners, the orchid flower appears to be a little tough guy. As a result, growing orchids indoors requires little attention. The following frequently asked questions about orchid care will undoubtedly assist beginners.

Where to cut the orchid stem after flowers fall off?

This has been mentioned in the above section please scroll up in “Orchid care after flowering fall off

Do orchids grow back after the flower falls off?

Yes, but often only in the phalaenopsis variety. Logically, reblooming on the same spot becomes difficult. But if you care about it and allow it to spike for the next season, the results could be promising.

Why are my orchids falling off?

An orchid plant’s natural behavior is to shed its flowers after it has completed its blooming life cycle. However, if flowering occurs prematurely, it indicates that there is a disturbance in plant metabolism. There are many factors responsible for orchid flowers falling such as water stress, fertilizer, root junction problems, and so on.

How often do orchids bloom? 

Orchids typically bloom for two or more months. When they have finished blooming, they go into hibernation or rest during the winter to prepare for the following spring.

Do you water an orchid after the flowers fall off?

Yes, water is essential for orchid survival. When the orchid plant has finished flowering, cut the stem from the previous node and continue to care for it as usual.