Choosing the best plants for decorating your small balcony areas or home backyard with small heighted plants plays a crucial part while decorating it as a small garden. In this article, you’ll be able to know what experts are saying about small gardens, I mean what’s the definition and what are those low heighted trees which you can fit in your small gardens. In this article, you will be able to know about different Australian trees for small gardens. So, let’s hang on with me!
There are following outlines,
- What is small garden
- Method for tree plantation (advance)
- Different tree which are suitable to grow for small gardens
What is a small garden?
So, what actually is the definition of a small garden. Small gardens are those spaces which are either the backyard or front entrance of your home. You may be referring to your lawn and of course it could be the small garden area.
What actually should you consider to choose trees in small gardens?
Well, this could be dependable by including different preliminary factors like space or area for small garden, type of trees, soil types, season or climate, hardiness zone, habit of tree, purpose of using tree, evergreen or deciduous, etc.
What is an advanced method for planting trees in small territory?
This is actually interesting for planting trees especially for small territory. When you purchase the small saplings from the nursery with an average age of less than 1 year then make some special preparation to control its root system as well. I would like to suggest that please watch this demonstration so that you can understand it really well.
Transfer 1 year old plant on the ground without digging but cover the sides with poreable sheet so that water and air movement could be possible.
Now it’s time to talk about those top priority Australian tree lists which are suitable for small gardens.
Australian trees used for small gardens
Box Leaf Wattle (Acacia buxifolia)
Acacia buxifolia is a shrubby and low heighted tree. You need to understand why I called it a shrubby tree because if it is pruned and trained (means to say shaping) earlier more in spread formation then this plant will be a shrub. But on the other hand, if this plant is trained to maintain the height then this will be a small tree.
This plant is beautiful in spring with yellow flowering and warmer colors are very attractive and eye-catching. Acacia buxifolia can be used as a shrub and tree in corners. This plant can be used for shelter, wind-break as well. This plant is evergreen with 3 to 13 ft in height. So, you may get an idea where it could be useful.
One last thing is that as this plant has profuse yellow flowering so in this way yellow colored or warmer color plants are used mostly to fill the gaps or put after the green vegetation. Acacia buxifolia is perfect among the very small trees in small gardens.
Acacia linifolia
Acacia linifolia is also known as flax wattel in english. This plant is a low heighted plant with 4 to 13 ft most suitable for evergreen small trees. Acacia linifolia can be used for both vegetative and flowering purposes as well. This plant is spreading in nature and its flowers are more beautiful with creamy color.
This plant is most suitable among the vegetative shrubs and looks beautiful in corners. Acacia linifolia is an Australian tree and loves to grow in partial shade with half day sunlight so in this way you can adjust it where partial shades are available in your small gardens.
Juniper Wattle (Acacia ulicifolia)
Acacia ulicifolia is a perfect plant for small gardens. Its height varies from 4 to 6 ft. Actually, this is a shrubby in nature but if you’re a true pruner then you can maintain it with one trunk in containers as well because it has a smaller root system. This plant can be used among the hedges as well.
KaMyrtle Wattle (Acacia myrtifolia)
Acacia myrtifolia is relatively greater in height than all above I mention here which ranges from 8-10 ft. This plant contains creamy colored flowers which scented some kind of strange odor. Acacia myrtifolia is a tree more than a shrub.
Its flowers and inedible fruit are showy and emerge in summer during spring. This plant is more suitable in the front yard area at the entrance. Hence, we can say this plant is a flowering tree as well. These are my suggestions and research and if you want to know more than that, then click here.
Kangaroo Thorn (Acacia paradoxa)
Acacia paradoxa is another useful plant for small gardens whose height ranges from 7 to 13 ft. Acacia paradoxa is a tree more than bushy because its height but its spreading is more dense with yellow flowers. Its flowers are attached with thorns, that’s why you need to be careful.
Acacia paradoxa is more useful for the front yard because its flowers shatter down under the area of its canopy which will make it less aesthetic. Whatever you got my point.
Snowy River Wattle (Acacia boormanii)
Acacia boormanii is another bigger tree and called snowy because during the spring it shows the profuse yellow flowering which looks like snow from the far sight. Acacia boormanii is another suitable tree for front yard or outdoor with upto 15 ft of height but it has a spreading nature with multi-stem and it’s your responsibility to trim it into a single stem.
Spreading Wattle (Acacia genistifolia)
Acacia genisitifolia is perfect to adjust for container plants, only you need to control its height and spreading. This plant is suitable for front yard and backyard as well and average height is up to 10ft. It gives yellow colored profuse flowering during summer.
Spike Wattle (Acacia oxycedrus)
Acacia oxycedrus is a busy tree upto height 10 ft and seems more suitable with vegetative shrubs and makes a colorful beauty. This plant has creamy colored flowers when summer comes. This plant is suitable everywhere, where you want.
Acacia pendula
Acacia pendula is also known as a weeping myall as well, and I decided to mention this due to its weeping habit and this one is bigger than all above with average height up 45 ft. This tree is best suited for the front yard in the entrance. This plant is more suitable if you have a larger and bigger lawn in front of your house. This plant is more concerned with vegetative beauty more than flowering beauty. This tree shows the creamy colored flowers when summer comes.
Acacia terminalis
Acacia terminalis is also called as a sunshine wattel and grown in small gardens due to its average smaller height up to 6m. This plant has beautiful small leaves and shows yellow colored profuse flowering during spring season. This is an Australian native tree with a small root system and good fit for the front yard and backyard. So, you can rest assured to use it.
Backhousia citriodora
This plant is also known as lemon myrtle due to lemon scented leaves but this doesn’t produce true fruit. Backhousia citriodora is a flowering tree as well and well-suited at the backyard or outdoors which is located near your entrance. This tree has medium height up to 7m and is good for shelter. It shows beautiful creamy colored flowers when spring season commences.
Banksia attenuata
Banksia attenuata is also known as candlestick banksia , commonly. It is a large growing tree suitable for the backyard with an average height up to 10m. In other words, it is taller and has a more spreading habit as well.
The interesting thing about this tree is that its flower looks like a candle with yellow color which makes this tree more attractive. This could be a good source of common pollinators as well like honey bees.
Banksia ilicifolia
Banksia ilicifolia is western australian originated tree and commonly known as holly-leaved banksia in english. Banksia ilicifolia is suitable for front yards and it takes the average height up to 8m. This tree is more upright and grows vigorously. This is perfect for shelter as well. Well, these are my research and studies and if you want to know more than that then click here.
Banksia littoralis
Banksia littioralis is a taller tree which grows upright with an average height of 12m. Just like above it is well-suited for front yard or outdoor and good for shelter. This tree emerges out its yellow flowers during the summer.
Its flowers look similar to candlestick banksia, but generally it is called swamp banksia, commonly. This tree is erect and upright and it needs greater space just like other bigger trees for its root system. Banksia littoralis is more suitable for outside or front yard for shelter purposes.
Brachychiton bidwillii
Brachychiton bidwillii is deciduous tree with red color flowering. Its flowering comes out during spring. This is generally a summer beauty plant and its red flowering makes it attractive. This tree could grow up to 4m height but I have seen it many times smaller as it just would be perfect for small gardens. Just like acacia spp. As I mentioned above this tree is among the small trees and suitable for the backyard.
Brachychiton gregorii
This plant is known as desert kurrajong in english, commonly. This plant is drought tolerant and slow growing. Its average height ranges between 10ft to 40 ft and is most suitable for the front yard.
Callicoma serratifolia
Callicoma serratifolia is known as tall shrub or small tree and grows up to 5-10 ft in height. This plant grows vigorously and spreads very fastly. This plant is suitable for both the front yard and backyard as well. This is also known as black wattel and can be used along with shrubs to enhance the vegetative beauty.
Casuarina subrosa
Casuarina suberosa is an Australian native tree and comes under the small tree category and grows up to 25ft in height. This is said to be a very rare plant and useful to grow in large and small gardens. It gives fruit, actually inedible but looks gorgeous. This is fast growing but tolerant to drought, extreme sites, water stress and frost as well.
According to me, it is available often but take it when available and perfect in the middle of your lawn for shelter and good choice for the front yard.
Eucalyptus victrix
This plant is good in water logged soil because it drinks more water from the soil. It is a well-known fact that water level comes down where eucalyptus spp grows. It is slow growing but consuming more water and grows in a range between 4-40 ft in height. It is good for the outdoors but I want to say that experts hate these spp due to the fact that I mentioned above.
Grevillea striata
This plant can be grown as a shrub or tree as well. It is commonly called beefwood in english. It grows up to the height of 3-15m. This is suitable for small gardens and where the entrance is present as outdoor. During summer it shows the yellow flowers.
Jacksonia scoparia
Jacksonia scoparia is also known as dogweed. It gives a strange odor when it is burning. Jacksonia scoparia is shrub and tree as well. It grows vigorously with average height up to 12m. Generally, this plant is more usual towards the spreading and shows off the yellow colored flowering during the summer. Jacksonia scoparia is perfect for small gardens where you can use this plant where you want.
Leptospermum petersonii
Leptospurmum petersonii is also called a lemon-scented tea tree. This plant is eastern Australian originated and suitable for small gardens. This tree is best to grow near the corner for shelter and this tree gives the pleasurable lemon tea smell for its visitors.
You can grow this in containers as well inside the house and this plant grows up to 15ft in height. This plant is more suitable to grow in the backyard. I really liked this plant due to its sweet lemon scent and white flowers during the summer.
Melaleuca alternifolia
Melaleuca alternifolia is also called the tea tree. This is a low growing tree where it can be treated as a shrub or tree. This plant is useful for making pharmacological entities. This tree is more suitable in the front yard and backyard as well. In my opinion, this tree is perfect to use under small garden territory. These are my research and studies but if you want more to know about it then click here.
Viminaria juncea
Viminaria juncea is a tall growing shrub and can be treated as a tree if you’re a good pruner. This plant is more attractive during summer when yellow colored flowers come out. This plant grows up to the height of in ranges between 3-8 ft and perfect for small gardens.
Xylomelum angustifolium
Xylomelum angustifolium is also known as sandplain woody pear and perfect for small territory/garden. This plant grows up to the height of 8m. This tree is more spread in nature than its erect growth. According to my suggestion it will be good to use along with shrubs where partial shade is available or to fill up the gaps between the shrubs like ficus spp. which is used as a border to cover the boundary.