Recent situation of mangoes in Pakistan in 2020

Types of mango in Pakistan

We are all aware of COVID-19 which affected approximately 213 countries and their territories and European and Asian countries affected badly and included in the topmost countries. Pakistan every year earns huge money in summer due to its most favorite mango taste “Chaunsa” but now in the present situation mangoes exports seem to decline from 35 to 40 percent due to the coronavirus pandemic situation.

There are a few facts that will be discussed accordingly to the present situation, which is following,

  • Less production
  • Rising the cost of production
  • Little relief for mango exporters
  • Locusts attack impact
  • Japan allowed mango exports from Pakistan

Rise of cost of production

Overall, mango export will be lesser this year due to COVID-19 due to related restrictions like the closure of international flights, an increase in the freight rates, while the cost of production increases due to safety implementation for COVID-19, said by grower and exporter from Sindh province. Many growers and exporters said that international access has been available for exporters from 20 May but there is no way to reduce the cost of freights by the government.

Less production

As it is very phenomenal that global warming impact all agricultural crops and also long winter passing through the entire year and lesser warmer season reducing the production of mangoes. There are dozen of varieties which are exported like Anwar ratol, Dasehri, Langra, Sindhri, Totapari, and others, but Chaunsa and Anwar ratol are the dominant varieties of Pakistan liked by consumers according to their taste.

Last year in 2019 Pakistan exported 130, 000 metric tonnes of mango but this year in 2020 not more than 80, 000 metric tonnes are expected.

Little relief for mango exporter

The government had issued the availability of export facilities to the growers and exporters during the COVID-19 from 20 May but due to less international flights and greater expenses and freight rates created the main problems for growers and exporters.

Japan allowed mango export from Pakistan

According to the Ministry of Food Security and Research (MFSR), three shipments of Sindhri and Chaunsa, local Pakistani mango varieties despatched according to agreed procedure between the department of plant protection (DPP) and the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) because last year in 2019 120 tonnes of mango was favorably received by Japanese markets.

Varieties of Pakistan

  • Anwar ratol
  • Chaunsa
  • Dasehri
  • Totapari
  • Samar bahist
  • Neelam
  • Langra
  • Alphonso

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