How to make rose water toner at home

Rosewater which is locally pronounced in Urdu as ‘Arq e Gulab’ is a common product that is used daily by women, especially for cosmetic use. Rosewater has specific medicinal importance. Desi roses or wild red roses (Rosa indica) are very commonly used for farming due to their availability for a whole year. Such a kind of farmer can do a side business as well. There is also an opportunity for any person for a rosewater business. It is very simple to manage each step and manipulate from purchasing the rose petals to market selling. In this article, I will discuss how to make a rose water toner at home. There are the following outlines,

  • Material needed for installment
  • Method of rose water processing
  • Feasibility report 

Ingredients needed for rosewater factory at home

  • Rose petals 
  • Two Cans with about 40 litres of volume capacity
  • Rounded steel can of 25-30 litre volume capacity
  • 4 Transparent bottles of twenty-litre capacity 
  • A structure for boiling water and petals (LPG Cylinder or gas)
  • Equipment for cleaning and sanitation
  • Dispenser 

What exactly do we have to do?

To develop a small rose water panel, you need two Cans, these Cans should be covered and clipped so that steam should not be moved out from the lid. There should be a hole on the lid so that stainless steel pipe could be passed through a hole. Both Cans should be connected through a stainless steel pipe and a second Can should be connected with a tap as can be seen in a picture. One Can be filled with water and a required amount of rose petals and allowed to boil through available sources of ignition (LPG cylinder or gas connection). When water will reach the boiling temperature it will produce steam and steam will pass through a pipe into a second Can. A second Can should be maintained at less temperature so that steam should be converted into water and poured into a transparent bottle of 20-liter capacity. Then these transparent bottles should be put on a dispenser (do not connect with electricity only used to fill out the bottles) and then fill it through bottles of 200 ml. 

Note: It is estimated that 40 liter rose water can be obtained within 8-10 hours per day. For 10 litres of rose water, about 1 kg rose petals are required. It is up to you that the above-mentioned structure can be prepared and already prepared structures can be purchased. 

Expenditure on structure

 It is estimated that 30 – 40 thousand costs will be structured that will remain only for installment the very first time. 

Feasibility report of a whole plan

Rose petals per day = 4 kg with 100 rupees estimated = 400 Rs.

Rose petals per month = 400 x 30 = 12,000 Rupees

No. of bottles (200ml) per day = 200 bottles with 8-10 rupees per bottle = 2000 Rs.

No. of bottles per month = 2000 x 30 = 60,000 Rs.

Label for 200 bottles per day = 2 x 200 = 400 Rs. 

Label of bottles per month = 400 x 30 = 12,000 Rs.

Corton per day for 200 bottles = 10 carton (20 bottle capacity) = 10 x 40 = 400 Rs.

Corton per month = 400 x 30 = 12,000 Rs.

Labour cost for packaging per day = 3-5 rupees per bottle = 4 x 200 = 800 Rs.

Labour cost per month = 800 x 30 = 24,000 Rs.

Miscellaneous cost (including gas expenditure, electricity bill and salesman salary) = 40, 000 Rs.

30-40 rupees per bottle in the market then = 6000 x 35 = 2, 40,000 Rs. 

Note: it is estimated that from 1.5-1.7 lakh is per month expenditure and net return per month is 2.4 lakh and it is even more expensive in today’s market so profit margin can be increased. This is the idea that gives you an estimation and price may vary and fluctuate the profit margin. The wholesale market is a big target area.

I hope it will be cleared today about how to make rose water toner at home and also you visit here to understand the concept. if you are interested in rose farming then click here to read more. Keep commenting and stay tuned!