Daikon radish is a profitable crop

Daikon radish is also called white radish and white radish is used and cultivated commonly in Pakistan. The botanical name of radish is Raphanus sativus. Radish can be cultivated early in a season there are many varieties available which are prepared within 30-40 days and ready for sale. In this article, I will discuss the … Read more

Cultivation of Colocasia esculenta (Arum or Arvi)

Arvi is also known as Taro and its botanical name is Colocasia esculenta, it is a perennial herbaceous plant. Arvi can be grown in tropical and subtropical regions. It is very important to plant containing leaves as well as the underground part. Arvi (Arum) plant’s leaves are larger in size and can be used as … Read more

Pea cultivation in Pakistan

Peas is a winter season crop in Pakistan. There are different vegetable categories through which we can understand the different types. There are some vegetables included in the leafy group, some are root vegetables like carrot, turnip; some are bulbous and tuber crops. Pea is a vegetable included in those vegetables in which seed is … Read more

Production technology of bitter gourd in Pakistan

Bitter gourd is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. Due to higher market rates, bitter gourd is a profitable crop. Bitter gourd has higher yield potential and its medicinal value cannot be denied. A different successful farmer in Pakistan is getting extra profit more than all other cucurbit crops. It is a long durational crop … Read more

Okra cultivation in Pakistan

Okra is a potential vegetable crop. Okra is the hardest and high resistance crop against pests and diseases. If a farmer can sell its okra in the earlier stage in the market then higher income can be generated. Punjab climate came later than Sindh where farmers get the benefit of growing the okra with higher … Read more

Commercial Cucumber production in Pakistan

Cucumber is an excellent and very important crop and it is a highly yielded crop under the tunnel environment. Cucumber is a well-preferred vegetable by the progressive farmer. Cucumber can be grown in an open field in summer as well as in vegetable forcing in winter under the tunnel. It can be grown in high … Read more

Onion farming in Pakistan

Onion is a winter crop and has the potential of profit per acre in Pakistan. Onion is used in daily cooking, and salad making. Onion farming in Punjab is a demanding crop not only in daily use but also in the market with enough rates that farmers can earn more profit. There are many growers … Read more