As a horticultural researcher, I have decided to write about the difference between real types of farming which have been practiced by the former with technical knowledge, and theoretical stories as a descriptive portion which we studied during the degree programs in the university. There are some underline terminologies on which I will give the notes of differentiation according to the topic. So, before going to the main topic I will also discuss ‘theoretical knowledge vs practical knowledge’ a few things generally which are following,
- informal types of farming in horticulture
- Top few reasons that why horticulture is a prominent domain of agriculture
- Why organic farming is limited among the farmer
- fruits and vegetables from farm to table
Do you know what are informal types of farming in horticulture?
Horticulture is a second main branch of agriculture that deals with the study of fruit, vegetables, and flowers. A lot of study and discussion is going on fruits, vegetables, and flowers in horticulture. There are some important features of studying fields that should be discussed deliberately just like fruit, vegetables, and flowers. There are two feature subjects to whom I want to discuss are followings,
- Mushroom culture
- Tissue culture
Tissue culture is a wider domain and field of study than mushroom culture. Tissue culture is a vitro technique to grow tiny plants and by the way tissue culture is not just coming under horticulture but also part of agronomy as well. Seedless banana and disease-free guava saplings are well-known examples. On the other hand, mushroom culture is a technique that deals with and studies for growing and maintenance of different edible mushrooms. This kind of food is available in five-star hotels and restaurants and could be the best business entity.
Top few reasons that why horticulture is a prominent domain of agriculture
After agronomy, horticulture gets more attention from the people for providing food in the form of fruits and vegetables. There are many reasons why horticulture is more prominent and deals as a business more than agronomic crops. Horticultural crops could be selected as a business for someone as a growing farm for fruits and vegetables because it gives more production per unit area and has short-seasoned crops like vegetables and flowers.
Why organic farming is limited among the farmer
As with the passage of time, when the number of pesticides companies is growing across the country the concept of organic farming is vanishing. Farmers are using the application of chemicals over each crop day by day. There are many examples like strawberries. It really means that production at a commercial level has always been compromised with the use of greater numbers of chemical spray whereas in the home and kitchen gardening chemical-free vegetables could be possible due to less attack of diseases and pests.
What is the comprehensive story for fruits and vegetables from farm to table?
Well, it could be like this,
- Nursery preparation fruits and vegetables
- Soil preparation
- Transplantation and acclimatization of the sapling in the field
- Scheduling for Fertilizer and irrigation
- Plant protection against diseases and pest
- Pre-harvest measurements
- Harvesting and storage in packing house
- Supplying horticultural commodities in the market
How horticulture is a part of sustainable agriculture
Agriculture has many branches as many branches like agronomy, horticulture, plant pathology, entomology, etc. Agronomy and horticulture are two main divisions that are imparting a prominent role in agriculture. Different agronomic crops like wheat, rice, maize, and all other cereals crops are included whereas fruits, vegetables, and flowers.
Now, here is the discussion theoretical knowledge vs practical knowledge
Limited use of drip irrigation
In the horticulture sector, fruit growers are adopting the advanced irrigation technique known as drip irrigation. Drip irrigation is successful in many cases like guava (in high-density plantation), mangoes (HDP technique), grapes, etc. drip irrigation is not a good fit where plants need plenty of water like in a big mango orchard with old fashioned. Similarly, vegetables irrigated as flooding and can not be the best fit with drip irrigation.
Difference between seasonal vegetable yield
There are different vegetables that are growing with adaptable varieties. Like potatoes are successful and produce a greater yield in northern hilly areas than plain areas of Punjab in Pakistan. Potato growers from swat areas are getting more yield and profit than the Punjab growers.
Limited numbers of vegetable farming in tunnels
Off-season farming in tunnels is very popular in Pakistan and there are different summer crops cultivated under the tunnels like tomatoes, Chillies, cucumber, etc. This technique is very useful for vegetable growers but on the other hand, limited numbers of vegetables are included in the category of tunnel farming. In the future, there may need an advanced system for vegetables under the tunnel structure so there should be b a. capacity to grow each of the vegetables.
Reality vs high-density plantation in fruits
These days, some of the farmers of Guava are adopting the technique of high-density plantation. It is successful also among mango growers and they are adopting this technique. Farmers and growers of fruit farming, those who belong to poor financial backgrounds they cannot adopt the high-density plantation technique. But as an advanced technique, this will be very successful in the future when there will be more demand for fruits per capita.
Quality difference of KK (Kala Kulu) in Punjab versus Northern areas Apple farming
The quality apple production comes from the Northern areas of Pakistan where Apple fruit is actually known to be grown. But there are also some varieties of apples in Punjab like Kala Kulu. But if we compare the difference between the temperate area apple fruit with the plain area of Punjab with Kala Kulu then there is a far difference according to their taste, fruit color, and yield. Apple fruit is a temperate fruit and needs more chilling hours than any other temperate fruit.
The economic impact of citrus know Versus Real environmental challenges in Pakistan
Kinnow is a very popular cultivar of Mandarin species in the citrus group. This is a Californian imported cultivar and best-suited with the climate of Pakistan under a subtropical environment, but with the passage of time Kinnow is getting more challenges for survival. Kinnow in these days is suffering from many pests and disease attacks and getting weaker day by day like citrus canker and its beauty is under attack by melanosis fungus.
Will farmers replace their big orchards with height high density plantation in mango
The approach of high-density plantation is Very future promising to meet the criteria of foods and quality. In the future, due to more demand and high-quality export mangoes, this strategy of the high-density plantation will change the old mind of mango growers in Pakistan.