Watermelon farming in Pakistan | How many watermelons per plant

Watermelon is a very commonly used summer fruit. It is a member of the family Cucurbitaceae, hence can be called cucurbit. It is very drought tolerant and contained 93% of water. There are two types of farming are followed by local farmers. It is up to the farmer that, whether he choose the tunnel farming … Read more

Where do banana tree grow in Pakistan

Banana is a tropical (a place where the average day and night temperature remains almost the same) fruit and a quick diet. Sindh is a production hub of bananas in Pakistan where the climate fit for its cultivation. It is claimed that banana only grows in a tropical climate and the remaining provinces (Punjab, KPK, … Read more

Date palm cultivation in Pakistan

Pakistan is the fifth largest date palm producer in the world. The date palm has the capacity to tolerate environmental stress like water and fertilizer for a longer period because it is a desert native plant. In different soils, it is very successful. Date palm farming can be taken as a commercial business as well … Read more

Low tunnel farming in Pakistan

There are three kinds of the tunnel, high, walk-in, and low tunnel. It is very important for the farmer to understand the advantage of each type of tunnel. Those types of vegetables which are less in height and spreading in nature are best-fit crops for the low tunnel. It is important that if farmers want … Read more

How to control Fruit fly infestation in different horticultural crops

The fruit fly is a big threat to various fruits and vegetables. There are several horticultural crops that are cultivated professionally, and the farmer gets a huge loss where fruit flies to attack. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables that are likely susceptible like citrus, mango, guava, bitter gourd, cucumber, etc. The citrus … Read more

Production of grapes in Pakistan

Grapes farming is a very profitable crop in Pakistan. Different progressive farmers are doing their consistent business with grapes. In Balochistan, grapes are seeming to be native fruit due to the favorable season, but now it is also more successful in Punjab especially in early varieties, which gives the fruiting in May-June. There are many … Read more

Cultivation of Colocasia esculenta (Arum or Arvi)

Arvi is also known as Taro and its botanical name is Colocasia esculenta, it is a perennial herbaceous plant. Arvi can be grown in tropical and subtropical regions. It is very important to plant containing leaves as well as the underground part. Arvi (Arum) plant’s leaves are larger in size and can be used as … Read more