Chinese Evergreen Indoor Plant Care

Chinese evergreen is a perennial house plant native to tropical and subtropical regions. Its scientific name is aglaonema generally whereas Chinese evergreen is common to pronounce in English. 

It grows in a vertical and creeping pattern. Chinese evergreen has a number of different varieties, including variegated. 

Chinese evergreen is easy to grow at home. That’s why it is the most popular durable house plant. It can tolerate poor light, drought, and dry air. The Chinese evergreen plant is the most popular and is available in different forms such as variegated and non-variegated. 

In this article, you’ll be able to learn about Chinese evergreen indoor plant care. You will get a brief description from sowing to the end of its life season. Therefore, get ready to look at it as a top story. 

Chinese evergreen light requirements 

As stated above, Chinese evergreen is easier to grow at home. Therefore, take a look over its light and temperature requirements as a friendly Gardener. 

Take note that, wherever you place a Chinese evergreen plant, ensure specific light and temperature. Chinese evergreen plants love moderate temperatures in ranges between 16 to 22-degree celsius.  

Similarly, Chinese evergreen loves to grow in low light. In other words, it likes indirect sunlight. It will be gorgeous to look at in this lovely environment with a humidity of 70-80%.

There are the following few points in light and temperature requirements, 

  • Place near the entrance in shadows in front of the door, near the southern or northern window.
  • Remember that Chinese evergreens do not like the dry air at all.
  • As a horticulturist, I would definitely mention that variegated varieties want greater light to survive than non-variegated varieties.


Chinese evergreen loves to grow in moist soil. This means the oil should be wet but not with water standing at the root. Always try to avoid wet feet (water standing in the root zone).

Basic indicators such as soil depth and leaf wilting determine the water requirements. Before watering, check the top two inches of soil; if it is dry, water; otherwise, do not. Similarly, wilting plant leaves indicate that it is time to water.   


The flowering of Aglaonema is spectacular. When it is young, it exhibits unusual flowering. Older plants may have little inflorescence in early summer or spring. Remove the flowering to encourage the beauty of the foliage. 


Because of its ease of care and attractive appearance, Aglaonema is a popular house plant. There are numerous Chinese evergreen varieties to choose from.

Chinese evergreen plants have three types: green, silver, and colored. Varieties are further subdivided into simple and variegated shapes. 

Fortunately, Chinese evergreen has been bred and hybridized in recent years. Chinese evergreen is now available in a wide range of colors and exotic variegation.

I don’t want to go into the details of the list of varieties of Chinese evergreen.  But with a few common examples such as pictum color, silver bay, silver queen, and others you can explore here


Aglaonema propagates both sexually and asexually. Seed propagation is a time-consuming and traditional method of propagation. It takes two to three months for Chinese evergreen to germinate. Propagation by means of seeds becomes unknown. 

Cuttings, on the other hand, are the simplest way to propagate aglaonema. Take cuttings from the lower leaves for this purpose. During the spring or early summer, take cuttings from the plant.

Place the cuttings in water in indirect sunlight until the roots emerge from it. This is how aglaonema is propagated through cuttings.

Root division is another propagation method. In this method,  remove the plant from the pot and then separate the roots. Generally, propagation through cuttings is a common way and it is easy to proceed.

Chinese evergreen pink care

Its upkeep is not as difficult as you might think. Because of its adaptability, it is simple to care for and requires little attention. Newly sprouting Chinese evergreens use to grow naturally.

In the case of older plants, blooms are sometimes produced as well. Aglaonema is a plant with attractive foliage and removes its inflorescence.   

Chinese evergreen plants thrive in indirect sunlight. In other words, it works well in office spaces where sunlight is abundant. To keep plant leaves clean, wipe them down with water or a soft towel on a daily basis.

Water and fertilizer requirements are moderate. As a result, rich soil media is the best fertilizer alternative. Aglaonema with colored variegation, on the other hand, requires more water and sunlight.


The botanical name for the Chinese evergreen is Aglaonema. This plant has many cultivars with silver, grey, or colored variegated foliage. Because of its shady sunlight nature, the Chinese evergreen plant is grown indoors.

Cuttings are typically used to propagate Chinese evergreen. Another uncommon practice is root division. Because of its slow growth rate, seed propagation is uncommon.

Aglaonema is best suited for an office near a table or by a window. Cleaning its long, showy variegated foliage to remove dust, scales, spider webs, and other debris is a must. 

Depending on the weather, Chinese evergreen requires an adequate amount of water. Utilize a mix of farmyard manure, soil, and sand. This is everything you need to know to be an environmentally conscious gardener.