Cabbage (green cabbage, red cabbage, purple cabbage) is a profitable cool-season crop in Pakistan

There is a group of vegetables called Cole crops which included cabbage (green cabbage, red cabbage, purple cabbage), cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage which are cool-season crops. Cabbage is a commonly cultivated crop and its enlarged terminal bud is the main edible portion. There are many varieties are cultivated in green cabbage which is usually used more in salads, cooking, pickling. Medicinally it is very important and useful for patients suffering from constipation. Red cabbage and purple cabbage are cultivated less due to less awareness in the farmers but give more profit than green cabbage. In this article, I will discuss the production technology of cabbage. There are the following outlines under which the whole article will be discussed,

  • Selection of variety
  • Land preparation
  • Plant protection
  • Fertilizer and irrigation
  • Harvesting
  • Yields and profit
  • Conclusions of article

Selection of varieties of cabbage

Cabbage crop needs 0.5-1 kg of seed per acre. Majorly, farmers are using imported and hybrid varieties so these varieties cost more and about 8-10 thousand prices for an acre package. The selection of varieties in cabbage is a very crucial point. It is suggested that always try to visit the experts and progressive farmers of your area and discuss the point of the matter before visiting the seed company or local shop. These people will help you to choose the most suitable variety for cabbage. There are many farmers who are using hybrid varieties, so you need to be well aware.

Note: It is very important that cabbage (red cabbage, purple cabbage as well) is more worthy in the market which’s head has more firmness and harder and more shelf life. There are many local shops or claiming the specific characteristics of their varieties. But, when you as a grower visit their place ask about cabbage shelf life as well. Because if you have a distant market destination then those varieties with greater shelf life and hard firmness will cost more and earn the extra profit.

Land preparation for cabbage

As a researcher in the field of horticulture, I have observed one thing during the master’s degree programs in my university, I have studied something different but farmers are doing something different. Land preparation is a very important step as always, I have mentioned in each crop’s production technology. There are many farmers who are doing their own method of sowing.

So, what exactly farmers are adopting the method of sowing for cabbage, and what is the difference between the theoretical and practical knowledge?

There are a lot of farmers are adopting the method in which land is plowed thoroughly and recommended dose of farmyard manure and chemical fertilizers. After plowing and planking, beds are prepared of 3-4ft wider and bed to bed distance is kept 1 ft. and then on beds (some farmers are using both sides of beds for direct sowing) with plant-to-plant distance 1ft.

But theoretically, it is mentioned in the book that the first nursery is prepared and then transplanted into the field. As practically speaking, farmers are sowing seeds by choka method directly in the field. So, this is a difference between theoretical and practical knowledge.

Plant protection for cabbage

Cabbage is grown in winter and cool-season in plain areas of Punjab. There are fewer numbers of pest and disease attacks may happen, but it was mentioned by farmers that there is no extra expenditure for sprays and chemicals. There are very rare chances of disease and pest attack on cabbage. Only one thing about farmers take care of is weeding. Weeds removal is done manually by the Pakistani farmers and about 8-10 thousand rupees expenditure is estimated.

Fertilizer and irrigation requirement for cabbage

During the land preparation, when land is plowed and the soil is pulverized then 1 bag of DAP, 2 bags of SOP are recommended to apply. Another schedule about the food plan for cabbage is associated with irrigation scheduling. It is depending upon the different factors like soil, climate, etc. sandy loam is recommended for cabbage, red cabbage, and purple cabbage. Intervals could be between 6-8 days at the start of crop growth and increase 10-12 days. It is recommended that a half bag of urea should be applied with each irrigation.

Note: cabbage is a shallow-rooted crop and a heavy nutrient feeder. So, it is necessary that soil should be organically rich in macro-nutrients (NPK). For this purpose, land should be fed up with well-rotten farmyard manure one month earlier than the actual plantation. In this duration, farmyard manure will be decomposed easily and available at the time of the main plantation.

Harvesting and yield of cabbage

Cabbage is harvested when heads or terminal buds are enough mature in size and firm. Cabbage heads are harvested by hand as well as with the help of a cutting knife. Locally, a bag of 4-5 heads is packed and sale out in the market. It is a rough estimation that cabbage yields 15-20 tons per acre.

Note: it was mentioned by the farmer that green cabbage price in the market is less and cheaper than red cabbage and purple cabbage. Red cabbage and purple cabbage’s rates are higher in the market. It was also mentioned by the farmer that about 3-3.5 lakh of profit can be obtained by red cabbage and purple cabbage farming while growing green cabbage can be between 1.5-2 lakh of profit. Everything depends upon the market price.  


  • Cabbage is a profitable crop.
  • There are three types of cabbage that can be cultivated which are green cabbage, red cabbage, and purple cabbage.
  • The selection of varieties is a crucial step.
  • Always visit different farmers who have already done that farming he can be helpful before entering into the seed shop.
  • Cabbage is a shallow-rooted crop and needs extra nutrient requirements just like citrus.
  • There are very minor problems regarding pests and diseases in cabbage except weeding.
  • Cabbage is sown directly as well as in nurseries, but most Pakistani farmers are sowing directly in the field.
  • Red cabbage gives extra profit than green cabbage.
  • Cabbage is a crop with less cost of production and higher output income.

I hope this article will be helpful for you regarding cabbage, red cabbage, and purple cabbage. Comment below regarding the topic and stay tuned!